Creating tiles in maped3 that the player cannot walk through
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Obviously my game has parts of the map that the player should not be allowed to walk through, ex. walls and such, but how do i make it so that the tile is basically an obstac le-like thing?

Posted on 2014-04-28 22:25:43


Under "LAYERS" in the sidebar, you should see a layer called "obstructions" (you might have to scroll down). Click on that layer and your TILES palette should switch to a different set of black-and-white tiles. Just paint those down like normal tiles. In the game, you won't see the white or black, but any white pixel in the obstruction layer will stop the character from moving.

Posted on 2014-04-30 15:30:49


Thank you!

Posted on 2014-04-30 20:31:41


Good luck. :)

Posted on 2014-05-01 01:21:02

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