Declaring arrays
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I just started using verge, read the tutorials and when I tried to test some stuff, I found the following problem:

int numbers[15]; //makes a list of 15 integers
string names[7]; //this one is a list of 7 strings
numbers[0] = 42; //this sets the first member of 'numbers' to 42.
numbers[14] = 3; //this sets the last member of 'numbers' to 3.

(this is straight copypaste from the manual)

when I try to run this code, I get this error: Expecting ",", but got "[" instead
(line 3 is the first line of the code I posted)

what is wrong with the code?

Posted on 2011-05-22 21:18:01 (last edited on 2011-05-22 21:18:47)


post the entire, please?

Posted on 2011-05-23 00:03:25


void autoexec() 
int numbers[15]; //makes a list of 15 integers
string names[7]; //this one is a list of 7 strings
numbers[0] = 42; //this sets the first member of 'numbers' to 42.
numbers[14] = 3; //this sets the last member of 'numbers' to 3.
while (!b3)
		RectFill(0, 0, ImageWidth(screen), ImageHeight(screen), 0, screen);
				PrintCenter(ImageWidth(screen)/2, ImageHeight(screen)/2, screen, 0, string(numbers[0]));

there you go

Posted on 2011-05-23 10:51:54


VC has a (lame) limitation that you can't declare arrays or structs as local variables. So you end up having to declare a ton of global arrays with hardcoded max sizes. Yeeeah, it's very ugly, and is a severe limitation of the VC compiler and interpreter.

Posted on 2011-05-23 16:13:25 (last edited on 2011-05-23 16:14:46)


and all variables are local by default?

how do I declare local/global vars? (the manual isn't very clear about this)

EDIT: problem solved. thanks guys.

Posted on 2011-05-23 16:21:47 (last edited on 2011-05-23 16:49:23)


overkill, could you clarify the docs to this effect in that location?

Posted on 2011-05-23 18:36:39


Okay, updated the docs on arrays and structs a little:

And the scoping stuff on the variables page was made a little more clear (actually saying how to declare a global vs local variable, instead of just saying what one is without much elaboration):

Hopefully that helps!

Posted on 2011-05-23 20:37:53


Oh, VergeC, you so crazy.

Posted on 2011-05-29 00:38:41

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