DMA String Emplementation
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I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for the emplementation of strings in DMA.
I figure perhaps this may be possible through a pseudo-C type of string, where the string is an array of single characters. Then, you would just have to store the individual ASCII values in the array, I think.
Any other suggestions on how you would use strings in DMA?

Posted on 2005-06-04 13:34:48


That'd be about it. The interface would probably be something along the lines of:

/// creates a DMA representation of verge string s,
/// returns an integer handle to the DMA string
int xStringCreate( string s );

/// Creates a v3-native string from an integer
/// handle to a DMA string.
string xStringToV3( int x_idx );

And then all of the custom concat, sorting, and whatnot functions that you'd want DMA strings for in the first place. All of those would most likely take multiplt x_idx's as parameters. Depends really on why you're going to DMA for strings.

Posted on 2005-06-04 15:28:27

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