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can you delete entities or at least turn them off? somehow?

Posted on 2004-04-22 00:56:10


int entity.x[entity];
int entity.y[entity];

you can use these to 'hide' the specific entity off of the map;
If I can remember there used to be an entity.visible or something like that... maybe it was ika.. *shrug*


entity.x[Badguy] = -16;
entity.y[Badguy] = -16;

As to wether or not it can reference an index from the map, I don't know.

Posted on 2004-04-22 02:01:04 (last edited on 2004-04-22 02:02:34)


entity.visible. I knew there was something I forgot to put in today's release.

Oh well, next time!

Posted on 2004-04-22 04:02:25




Disables processing for an entity. At least it did in V2. If you turned entity.on and entity.visible to 0, you effectively killed an entity.

Posted on 2004-04-23 01:19:42


presently, setting entity speed to 0 will effectively disable the entity

Posted on 2004-04-23 01:41:54


even if you set entity.visible to off, you gotta make sure that bugger aint an obstruction as well ;)

Posted on 2004-04-23 05:46:21


Instead of making a new topic, I thought I'd post this here. These are the intended values for entity.face[] right?

UP 1

Because that's what they are right now. I made custom entity animation code and I wanna make sure these facing values are correct and won't change in the future :P

Posted on 2004-04-27 21:23:36 (last edited on 2004-04-27 21:36:29)


I think it's Left 3, Right 4, though I'm not POSITIVE. Also, keep in mind that the facevalues you give in movestrings are totally different.

Posted on 2004-04-28 00:03:14


ok... Now that's a bit confusing. The thing I did though was I logged the player entity's face values whenever I pressed each directional button on the gamepad. The logfile I got produced those values, but I'm not sure if those are the intended values or not :/

Posted on 2004-04-28 05:29:35


#define NORTH 1
#define SOUTH 2
#define WEST 3
#define EAST 4
It SHOULD be up/down/left/right, just like the contra code.
I gotta go to work in a bit so I cant test if those are the values they do return, but I dont see any sort of remapping going on in the code.

Posted on 2004-04-28 13:04:29


When I want to test a variable I just bind MessageBox to a key and have it spit out that variable whenever. I miss the V2 console.

Posted on 2004-04-29 01:22:09

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