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Hello, I am trying figure out how exactly entity.speed can be measured (in other words something like the exact pixel/tick relation). I've tried running a few quick tests, but haven't been able to get a sure answer from them.

I have a very specific instance where I am trying to time a bunch of actions on different entities that are moving simultaneously as precisely as I can. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks,


Posted on 2005-04-27 11:28:51


Also, is there any way to have the game wait for exactly one tick? I've tried Sleep(), but that doesn't seem to be working quite the way I want...

Posted on 2005-04-27 12:27:45


Jinkies. Entity.speed wasn't in the docs. I fixed that.

From the mouth of vecna, Entity.speed is pixels per second (pps). I commonly use 100 for 'walk' and 400 for 'run', although mulitples of 16 would probably be better. I dunno.

As for waiting a tick, are you sure you want the whole engine to wait one tick, or do you just want the entities to not process for a tick?

Posted on 2005-04-27 21:56:11

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