EntityMove() in V3
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Alright, so I know the basic movestring commands, but I've been wondering if new ones were implemented.

For example, is there a way to EntityMove in each of the 4 directions and have it be pixel accurate? Or do you only have tile accurate commands, and frame switching?

Would like to know, so I can figure out if I need to create my own movement system or if can just use the EntityMove() for everything.

Posted on 2004-04-09 21:22:34


Also V3 exits with this message:

"GetObsPixel() does not return an int"

Yet in 'v3vergec.txt' it says:

"int GetObsPixel(int x, int y)"

I need this function to make my game possible to work, or else I may have to drop this compo.

Posted on 2004-04-09 21:31:58


I'll fix the obs thing this weekend (probably this evening). Sorry about that.

There are no pixel-accurate movecodes at this time however they certainly could be added.

Note that a move of say, "L4" will move you 16*4 pixels to the left, regardless of your current offset into the tile. So that is not really operating on a tile boundary, its just a useful way to not have to type "L256" or somthing. In sully, for instance, in order to move them into the specific tile exactly for the Stan encounter, I use X and Y rather than L/R/U/D commands.

I'm open to any suggestions as to what the letter-commands for pixel accurate specification should be ^_^

Posted on 2004-04-09 21:50:25


Maybe instead have a command called "P<0/1>" that turns on a pixel-accurate mode, and when P1 is found it will make all move character commands by pixels. And it would do this until P0 is found.

Or, maybe "P" (for pixels) when you want pixel-accurate moves, but "T" (for tiles) when you want it to move by 16 pixel each time.

Or you could do for each pixel direction command:

"PU[num pixels]"
"PL[num pixels]"<-- -- >"PR[num pixels]"
"PD[num pixels]"

Posted on 2004-04-09 22:01:20 (last edited on 2004-04-09 22:08:47)

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