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Hey all, I'm currently in the process of porting the old Rysen Ranch code over to v3 and I've kind of run into a problem and hopeing someone can help!

How most of the game works, basically, is that there's one major function that checks to see which tile you've activated and acts accordingly. In the case of a Sign Post, I used a zone, got the event number returned and used a good ol' CallEvent();

My question is how would I go about this in v3? Since events are no longer numbered, I'm not really sure how GetZone() helps me since in the v3vergec.txt it tells me that it returns an int and not a string, which I'm pretty sure I'll need in order to use CallFunction().

Thanks in advance. ^_^

Posted on 2004-04-21 19:15:36


I'd assume that it'd return the ID of the zone, but there doesnt appear to be a way of easily connecting that to a name of a zone...

Posted on 2004-04-21 23:13:28


well you dont want the zone NAME, you want the zone's script name.

Uhh. I need to add functions for this, but it probably wont make it in today's release.

Posted on 2004-04-21 23:42:42


Much appreciated. ^_^

Posted on 2004-04-23 19:22:36


Quick hack:
void Zone1(){}


Posted on 2004-04-25 00:42:49 (last edited on 2004-04-25 00:42:50)

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