graphics protection
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I probably look ridiculous now, after that last question, but I've been checking out demos and the sully chronicles for answers, and there is one thing that worries me a little. It seems to me that on all the ones I've looked at thus far have no way of protecting against edits to the graphics. I'm not a fan of having my work edited (which is one of the seventy or so reasons I don't use the OHRRPGCE software), so is there any way to make those images (titlescreens, message boxes, the like) unchangeable?

Posted on 2008-06-24 10:39:15


You can use Verge Pack files to pack all of your images, music, etc together into one file.

They act sort of like zip files and can be used to keep people from taking / changing your files. It also makes your game distribution a lot cleaner as you'll only have one pack file instead of a group of stuff and things.

More infoz -> here(z)

Posted on 2008-06-24 11:33:34


Thanks! One of my bigger concerns is making sure my work can't be played around with (it's an RPG, so it'll be played, but y'know what I mean, lol) and altered. I've got some serious planning to do!

Posted on 2008-06-24 18:13:38


Here's another possible way to 'protect' your graphics
Look at the mildred2 demo I recently uploaded. There I have a function that will convert a bitmap into a function ....

Basically the function generated is a whole bunch of SetPixels() into an image buffer that is returned from the function.

Here's the function - to use the coded image just #include the generated file and call the function at the same place where u would use LoadImage();

void GenerateCodeImage(int myimg, string outfile)
int iw=ImageWidth(myimg);
int ih=ImageHeight(myimg);
int fptr=FileOpen(outfile, FILE_WRITE);

int i,j;
string outtxt;

FileWriteln(fptr,"int DrawPrecompiledImage"+GetToken(outfile,".",0)+"()");
FileWriteln(fptr," int dest=NewImage(" + str(iw) + "," + str(ih) + ");");
outtxt=outtxt + "SetPixel(" + str(j) + "," + str(i) + "," + str(GetPixel(j,i,myimg)) + ",dest);";

FileWriteln(fptr," return dest;");

Posted on 2008-06-26 20:26:55

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