HandleExternFunc error on WinV2 startup Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.
(dusts self off)
Hey guys. Long time no see!
I doubt many (if any) of you will remember me, but I was an old-school VERGEr, most notably responsible for the DreamSeekers demo back in the days of V1, as well as the controversial V1+ engine.
I stopped using VERGE around V2's heyday, mostly due to distractions from other things in my life, but I was recently reminded of some of my old games... and while I've pretty much given up on getting my old V1+ games running again, I figured I stood a fighting chance of getting my one and only V2 game, "Bridget III: Phil Must Die!", running again, for old times' sake.
So I downloaded WinV2... and yeah... after a few hours of playing around, I'm still getting the following error on startup, every single time I try to run this game:
"HandleExternFunc: VC sys script out of bounds (56/54)"
Sometimes, the number on the right will read (55/54) or (54/54), but it's the same error, regardless... and that's as far as I go. (On the plus side, I can hear the MOD file playing until I click OK, at least!)
So, uh... any idea what that actually MEANS? I've tried changing and altering everything I can think of, but ultimately, nothing seems to work. AFAIK, I'm not using any of the functions that are verboten for WinV2, so it SHOULD run right out of the box, without any problems.
Anyone even *remember* WinV2 well enough to suggest a possible solution here?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
Posted on 2010-02-16 21:26:55
I don't really remember Verge2/WinV2 that well anymore, but I think that the VC sys script out of bounds error means your code is trying to activate an event number or possibly function that isn't there.
Did you remember to use VCC to recompile your code to run with WinV2/Verge 2.5 files? Did you check that the maps aren't using event indexes that aren't defined?
I really don't remember how to debug v2's errors anymore, to be honest :(
By the way! Do you happen to have the source code for V1+ lying around? I could see a windows port along the lines of winverge being useful for letting people play the V1+ games if there were any good ones.
Posted on 2010-02-19 13:16:47
Yep, I recompiled all the VC code using WinV2, and I know for a fact that this folder is identical to one that worked without a hitch under DOS with regular VERGE 2 (it's the same exact ZIP that I used in my original DOS distribution of the game, except with WinV2 added), so I'm seriously just at a loss here.
As for VERGE V1+, amazingly, the same website I created for the engine 11 years ago is STILL UP AND RUNNING, despite not having been touched since 1999:
All the links are still valid, too: I checked.
If you're up for making a new Winverge+, that would be really kickass! Though I also can't quite get my old VERGE 1 games running under the existing Winverge (they run, but in a window that's like, 50x50 pixels, in blurry black and white), so I'm not too sure how easy Winverge+ would be to create, in the end.
Still, worth a shot!
And thanks for the reply!
Posted on 2010-02-21 12:35:34
Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.