HELP: windowmode ??
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Good morning, i'm new in this forum.

Plrase: why i dont found in -->Window Managment Functions,,

---> "windowmode" specification??


Posted on 2007-12-03 08:36:03


"windowmode" is a verge.cfg option. It has nothing to do with the Window Management Functions.

The documentation page for verge.cfg options is at:

verge.cfg is just a runtime options file that verge reads values in from. windowmode has two valid values: 1 and 0.

If windowmode is 1, VERGE will run in a window.
If windowmode is 0, VERGE will run in fullscreen mode.

Hope this helped.

Posted on 2007-12-03 10:18:51


oh...yes!!! This helps me alot.


Posted on 2007-12-03 10:41:36

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