Help with structures in V3
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I just have one question about structures. Is it not possible to use a structure as an argument for a function?

for example:

struct my_structure
int x;
int y;

void do_something(my_structure a)
a.x = 1;
a.y = 2;

The above wouldn't be valid? I tried doing something like this and it doesn't compile.

EDIT: Looks like you can't declare structure types locally either.

Posted on 2004-02-21 23:43:37 (last edited on 2004-02-21 23:48:41)


Yeah, unfortunatly you can't pass structure instances into functions.

Here's the workaround:

#define MAX_MY_STRUCTURE 100

struct my_structure
int x;
int y;

my_structure stack_o_structs[MAX_MY_STRUCTURE];

void do_something( int idx )
stack_o_structs[idx].x = 1;
stack_o_structs[idx].y = 2;

Posted on 2004-02-22 01:17:24 (last edited on 2004-02-22 01:18:04)


Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. It's not so bad, actually. Atleast structures are possible.

Posted on 2004-02-22 05:07:44

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