How do we BLIT pictures below a map tile/layer ?
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Hi, all~

I'm wondering how to draw pictures (bmp files) above and below

the map layers.

For example, in a cliff, how to get a picture of mountains and horizon

to be drawn below the cliff map layer, while at the same time,

have the several moving cloud pictures above, or, over the cliff map tiles.

Currently with blit function I know how to draw pictures over the map tiles

but not how to draw it below.

Is there anyone with an answer?

Posted on 2008-09-12 15:21:02


Oh god!

The only thing I can think of is to use MapEd's "Import As Layer" function to import your picture of mountains/horizon as a tiled layer, the lowest in the render stack, and then mess with the parallax settings... somehow... so that it stays fixed while the rest of your map scrolls normally? I've never even thought about doing something like this, but it seems like it'd work.

I'm pretty sure the mountain map in the most recent release of Sully Chronicles does what you're talking about. I'd take a look at the map/parallax settings for that, how large the parallax layer is relative to the rest of the map, and, um, go from there.

(I'm talking about the April 2008 edition of Sully from here: The map in question is; from a quick look at the .vc file it doesn't seem like the background image stuff is being handled by anything other than maped. I don't remember if the 2005 edition of Sully does this kind of thing or not.)

Does this help?

Posted on 2008-09-13 00:22:07


Glambourine's suggestion is probably the best way to do this.

There _should_ be a way to do it by HookRender(), but i've had troubles with rendering below the bottom map layer in the past.
( )

IIRC, The basic technique involves setting hookrender to a function that blits your image to the screen, and then sticking the R at the start of the renderstring.

Posted on 2008-09-13 02:34:15 (last edited on 2008-09-16 22:37:58)


Thanks for your answer glambourine and resident.
And sorry for the late reply, I could only get onto the net today.
I'll try using the maped layer function. I hope it works.

Posted on 2008-09-19 12:26:12 (last edited on 2008-09-19 12:34:07)


If you play The Sully Chronicles up through the Lab, you'll see there exactly what you want.

...Or you could just open up the map in maped and read the vc.


...but you should play Sully because Sully.

The trick is to set your Map's RString to: "R,1,2,3" or some such, and draw your background using your Hookrender function. Now, if you want to have drawing going on below everything and have another Render function above the map layers, well... that's specifically what's happening in the Labs in the sully demo. There's some jiggery-pokery going on in the vc to get multiple R's to render properly, but it's not _too_ complicated.

In the off-chance that an "R" at the very beginning of an RString just plain doesn't fire (possible. I don't know if it does off the top of my head) you can just add a completely empty layer under it. Tacky, but it works. If this is the case, btw, let me know and I can try and fix it.

Oh, and hi!

Posted on 2008-09-21 05:35:53

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