How to get it to Start HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
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I was wondering how to actually get it up. I go in and download the stuff. I go and go to the file. I extract all the stuff and it makes a new folder. I go in and try to start it up and it shows verge 3 with under it it says compiling and someother things that I can't remember. It would be best to just have a step by step list of things to do. I'd perfer to have this but you could just tell me what's wrong.

Posted on 2007-12-12 21:38:43


Hey Gamma!

You have your choice of the following three tutorials:

If you find anything missing from any of them, please tell me. I'm trying to accumulate data on how to better make a begining user experience.

We've totally sucked at that since verge 2 :(

...Anyways, you can find all those links and more over at...

...which is in the top menu in orange text reading "Beginners' Resources".

Also you can ask more questions here and people will help you!

Hope that all helps,

Posted on 2007-12-12 23:22:48

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