how to make a game
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how do i make any games

Posted on 2008-04-11 13:03:33


Hi there,

You probably want to check out the beginner's resources (it's the red link in the menu at the top of the page).

Good luck.

Posted on 2008-04-11 15:51:56


First, you need the following things:
  • An idea
  • Lots of time on your hands
Now, using this idea and lots of time on your hands, you come up with much more detailed plans about your original idea!

Once you have a plan, you need to figure out stuff to do each part of this plan, which might include the following:
  • Learning to code
  • Learning to draw
  • Learning to write
  • Learning to animate
  • Learning to make music
  • Learning to make maps
  • Learning to _____
  • Learning to convince other people to do things you're sure you'll never be able to learn. ie. establishing a team.
  • Learning to examine and pick apart all games similar to what you have in mind, using a critical eye. Reverse engineering, essentially.
  • Learning how to add twists and quirks so you aren't just referencing and hence ripping off other peoples' works. Copycat games are really bland and usually unenjoyable.
How do you learn? Well, that depends on the person, but learning-by-doing tends to be a good method! So start now.

Note that if you're unwilling to learn any aspect to your game besides writing and planning, you're going to need an exceptional amount of luck (or money) to go anywhere, because people don't particularly want to work with people who just have ideas!

Asking questions to more experienced people is a good option, but asking a question like "how do I make a game" without any sort of explanation on what research YOU'VE done, shows you're fairly lazy. This question is vague, and you'd be better off asking how to do a small specific thing. People are much more willing to help when you're specific about certain things you want.

Start with one question. When you're satisfied with the answer, move onto the next thing you want. But all the time in between you should be striving to answer your own questions!

See the following questions! Which do you think are actually going to be answered in a meaningful way? Big questions are pretty much always answered with "read the tutorials" or "see other games for examples".
  • How do I make a game?
  • How do I use Verge?
  • How do I write scripts in Verge?
  • How do I write a battle system in Verge?
  • How do I write a Final Fantasy style battle system in Verge?
  • How do I represent players in my battle system?
  • How do I represent monsters?
  • How do I add animations?
  • How do I make the commands the player can do in battle?
  • How do I do an ATB counter in my battle system?
  • How do I check when battle is over?
Similarly, for bugs and errors:
  • How do I fix my game?
  • How do I fix my game? It's acting weird.
  • How do I fix my game? It says there's an error.
  • How do I fix my game? It says: "ERROR MESSAGE FROM v3.log IN QUOTES"
  • How do I fix my game? It says: "ERROR MESSAGE FROM v3.log IN QUOTES" and this is the code that's causing the error:

  • How do I fix my game? It's acting weird whenever I go to PLACE THAT'S CAUSING WEIRD PROBLEMS.

Okay, now I leave you to think. Good luck!

Posted on 2008-04-11 20:54:29 (last edited on 2008-04-11 21:00:39)


Well guys - I've been gone for a while - real life has
put me in a position in which I've been forced to 'work!' >_<
Sooo damned boring - my days have been filled with
php javascript ajax and all that jazz...

Needless to say I need a bit of a break from it all -
That is why I've decided to continue writing my tutorial
on how to create a complete ff-style battle system
from scratch.

The first chunk was written a while ago and is available
It includes a barebones (but functional) game data editor,
that allows editing of --- items weapons spells monsters and characters.

You guys give it a looksee and gimme some feedback ---
I appreciate helpful feedback :)

Anyway I hope it helps you make a game o_-

Posted on 2008-04-14 03:53:03

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