How would i go about creating....
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Hey everyone it's me Kreplyn it's been a while since i last posted here but my question is: How would i go about creating an ABS similar to that of Chrono Trigger? i really like the idea of not switching to another screen just to battle and thought the idea of Dual and Triple Techs was really cool but i don't know how to do that... sadly im not as advanced as you guys are in Verge.

Oh yea and another question i just want to check the dimensions for the sprite character can be anything as long as they all have the same dimensions. Correct?

Posted on 2004-12-28 09:59:00


1. Battling on the current map. Uh...really, just call a function, such as StartBattle(), which begins your battle system without changing the map. That way you stay on the current map...and you can still use Entity functions to move your characters around...when you're finished, move them back to whatever position you want, and exit the battle function.

2. I can't remember what these are like...just, in your battle system, if both characters are available for command, then choosing one special combo tech from one selects it for the other, and they do it together, or something. It takes some imagination to figure out to code that -- it's really just checking to see if two characters can do something at the same time.

3. What does 'the dimensions for the sprite character can be anything as long as they all have the same dimensions' mean? Verge CHRs can be any size, I think, though the Hotspot for obstructions seems fixed at 16x16 last I checked, and you can have sprites/CHRs with different sizes, so I'm not sure what you mean by this question.

Posted on 2004-12-28 12:18:41


1. Thanks for the tips I'm thinking about making something similar to what you are suggesting maybe something like and Active Turn Based Battle system where when its your turn you get to move around and choose commands and the such

2. Maybe ill try and get something like you choose a tech when its your turn and you wait for the other character's turn to come meanwhile the first character is defending and than they can perform it together or something, it's still in the works...

3. What i meant was, is the character allowed to have any dimension (like say 40x40)? And if it is would the character have to have the same dimensions for it's animations like walking foward or running rightwards?

Posted on 2004-12-28 13:23:34


for chrs, you can have them be any size and yes the frame size stays the same for all frames. WHat you do is use a big frame size like 40x40 and only use something like 20x32 of it for the character and teh rest you use to the frames with his sword or what ever else. As for hotspots, you can have any hotspot size and position. Chrs are fully customizable.

Also, I recomend you try to make the base battle system you want before trying to dive into techs. Take a look at something like this to see how they made it happen. Just to get you started, that game's battle system starts when you press space in game. It calls the function in called 'void Encounter (int encountertype)'. see if you can follow the logic of how it runs. It's essentially the same thing as you want to do only they choose to use a different backdrop.

If you have any questions, I'm available on mIRC in #vergehelp and on AIM as actionsketch ^_^

Posted on 2004-12-28 14:11:18 (last edited on 2004-12-28 14:24:12)


Quote:Originally posted by RageCage

Chrs are fully customizable.

Damn, that's a lie and a half. They can be any size at least though.


Posted on 2004-12-28 14:25:47


hows that? They may not have as many features as some other entity systems... but what is there is easily set and customizable. what can't be customized?

Posted on 2004-12-28 14:29:06


Quote:Originally posted by RageCage

hows that? They may not have as many features as some other entity systems... but what is there is easily set and customizable. what can't be customized?

custom animation sequences for things besides walking

Of course, you can do it in vc...

Posted on 2004-12-28 20:31:00


That's right, you can do it in VC, you lazy arse. You guys are the most pathetic group of programmers I've ever seen. Less whining, more coding. More _good_ coding. MAEK GAMES

Zip Omni

...just kidding. Sorry Zip :)

Posted on 2004-12-29 10:29:44 (last edited on 2004-12-29 10:30:26)


Lol thanks i need all the help i can get im thinking about making a little preview for my game and ill use that demo to build up on my whole game.

Posted on 2005-01-02 17:32:57

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