I bet it'll be no, but... Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.
I am, as I stated in my title, pretty sure the answer is no, but can the gp2x thing Ness made handle LuaVerge creations? I figured I'd ask since myself and some friends each have a GP2X and I figured that it might be kind of cool.
Posted on 2009-01-17 22:24:40
Unfortunately no...the binary I built for the GP2X is rly old so it most likely will not handle any lua lovin. Although I never tried it (and probably never will since my GP2X is fried), I would suggest trying to use the Linux port since it is far more up to date.
Posted on 2009-01-17 22:36:22
You mean to try the Linux port on the GP2X? Without any modification? Well, the GP2X /does/ run a Linux OS... It might work, but then again, it probably would require a small amount of tweaking.
Well, thanks, that saves me some time. lol
Posted on 2009-01-18 16:50:34
Displaying 1-3 of 3 total.