I thought I saw this one a bit ago. What are the default controls.
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I was just wondering what the default controls as stated in the title.


Posted on 2007-12-14 19:18:26


Well, the default controls for the keyboard are as follows:

b1 is Enter (the engine's "activate" button for maps)
b2 is Alt (usually people have this as the "cancel" button)
b3 is Escape (typically a save/config menu)
b4 is Space (typically a main menu/status screen)

I may have b3 and b4 backwards. Also, what joystick buttons these map to completely depends on your joystick, because it just picks button index 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively for (b1-b4).

Posted on 2007-12-14 19:27:45


Also, I was wondering, how do you actually get the sprite (if your making your own) in the file, make it to where he shows he's walking and possibly swing his sword.

Posted on 2007-12-14 22:49:00


You would have to make a picture (ie "frame") in the sprite file for each part of the respective animations -- running and swinging a sword. You would have to set up the file correctly (check the docs, I'm sure it's in there) and then make the character file. In order to get those animations to work correctly, you'd have to program them in to display correctly.

Posted on 2007-12-18 09:54:21

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