Is this the proper use of StopSound(int)?
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When trying to be sure I found cursoundchan counting endlessly up into the thousands and that didn't help my surety. It does stop the sound before playing it again^^

Posted on 2004-04-19 03:54:55 (last edited on 2004-04-19 03:55:31)


Yup thats right.

The channel number returned isnt just the channel number, its the channel number concatenated with a unique identifier.

So if you play sound1, and it goes into channel 15, and then a few minutes later you play sound2, and that goes into channel 15, but then you do a stopsound on sound1, which is already over, sound2 will NOT be stopped just because its in the same numerical channel number.

Posted on 2004-04-19 12:56:20


That's why your vecna!

Posted on 2004-04-19 13:58:36

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