Joystick question
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If you were to have only one joystick connected, would setting joystick = 0 and reading joy.button[0] be the same as reading the b1 variable? Or is it possible to treat the joystick and keyboard as two different input devices if used in this way?

EDIT: I might as well throw in another question instead of making a new topic. Is it possible to make V3 start in a non-maximized window? Whenever I set windowmode to 1, the window is always maximized, and I have to click the Restore Down button to make the size normal.

Posted on 2004-02-25 08:05:19 (last edited on 2004-02-25 08:18:06)


You need to set:

automax 0

in verge.cfg. If automax is not there, it assumes you want it.

Posted on 2004-02-25 09:22:00


b1 will reflect either keyboard or joystick presses [unified], while keys[] will reflect only keyboard presses and joy.* variables will reflect only joystick presses.

You can also use to detect whether or not a joystick is connected. The joystick devices are shifted down so that, if there are two joysticks, they will always be on 0 and 1, and not like, 0 and 3 or something.

Of course, joy.buttons also allows you to read up to 32 buttons. Which itself isnt that important, but since buttons like the 'start button' on most gamepads is usually like button 11 or something, its useful to be able to read buttons > 4.

Posted on 2004-02-26 13:05:50


Thanks, that clarifies things a lot.

Posted on 2004-02-26 15:11:39

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