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Isn't the undefined reference thingy a linking (and not compiling) error?

Posted on 2011-02-25 18:48:09


Originally by Ioachim:
Isn't the undefined reference thingy a linking (and not compiling) error?

Ah, thank you. It was a pain, but I got something hacked together so that it understands all the mac_* files contain the necessary functions.

Now for the next hurdle (what else did you expect?): a_image.

The big deal it keeps throwing at me is about 'auto_ptr'. The compiler complains it is not part of std, but if I remove std, then it says it is not declared in the scope. After a little research, I learned auto_ptr is part of <memory>, but <memory> is already included in xerhes.h, which is included in a_image.

Somewhere it was suggested that 'auto_ptr' is outdated, or at least an inefficient way of handling pointers, but this is a subject i know very little about.

Edit: Well, some research led to me a work-around to the auto_ptr problem. I'm really hoping this is close to working soon.

Anyway, the next issue up is about SDL. Currently, when trying to compile, it spits an error saying SDL_GetKeyboardState and SDL_GetScancodeFromKey are undefined. Now I know that SDL.h is included, but there may be a hang-up.

On my machine, SDL-1.2 is currently installed, including the dev files. However, it seems this all required SDL-1.3 which has some substantial rewrites. I do notice SDL-1.3 in the src folder, but in the makefile, these lines:
SDL_CFLAGS = $(shell sdl-config --cflags)
SDL_LDFLAGS = $(shell sdl-config --libs)

seem to call for the SDL installed on my machine and may conflict called functions and so forth.

Not sure if this is the actual case or not, so I'm looking for some advice.

Edit Edit: Downloaded and got SDL-1.3 running, but now I have nothing left. I try to compile, get about 450 lines of warnings, 90% of which are deprecated conversion from string constant to char.

However, these last few lines seem to offer a clue that I'm not catching onto:
/tmp/ccbdBrn0.o: In function `main':
mac_system.cpp:(.text+0x8c0): multiple definition of `main'
./libcorona.a(pngtest.o):pngtest.c:(.text+0x1430): first defined here

./liblua.a(loslib.o): In function `os_tmpname':
loslib.c:(.text+0x16): warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Posted on 2011-02-26 00:23:36 (last edited on 2011-02-27 23:02:30)


Update for Linux port...

...and the list of issues with it

It also fixes a bug in the Windows version regarding Audiere initialization.

I noticed that the mousedemo isn't working, complaining about non-existing functions (which belong to v3 namespace). Even if you prefix all with "v3." and comment out the line with "joy[0]" (such a table doesn't seem to exists), it still fails to load the map (for unix, I had to replace '\' with '/'; AFAIK '/' works under windows as well BTW).
Same with windows version redist/verge.exe.

Here's the error message: "Error when calling 'start': attempt to index global 'entity' (a nil value)". It seems like some code initiated by v3.Map() seems to be looking for entity instead of v3.entity.

I'm also led to believe that the git version may not be the most recent one ---I tried to run Lichen, and it works fine with the latest binary release, but the git version seems to be missing ResizeLayer function (redist/verge.exe gives the same error). Is that speveril's fork only?

On speveril's repo, g_script.cpp:670 and 671 causes errors
(assigning VergeCallback to std::string, vice and versa). Stranglely, it's not possible to report an issue about his fork on github. Hopefully, he's still around here!

And may be quite unrelated, but will be back? Is the documentation available somewhere else?

Posted on 2011-12-12 01:58:53 (last edited on 2011-12-13 00:50:30)

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