LuaVerge setup conundrum
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Hi, again! I'm trying to set up LuaVerge on a Windows 7 (64 bit) machine, complete with vx. So far, what I have is as follows:

tools folder | vx folder | fmod.dll | a hello world file (helloworld.lua)
system.lua | | system.xvc | verge.cfg | verge.exe

All that happens when I double-click the verge.exe is the standard window saying "You have successfully run V3." blah blah blah.

The helloworld.lua is just as it was from banana attack, so I don't know what the problem could be at all.

Posted on 2011-03-06 18:16:48


could you zip this up and upload it so we can see what's going on?

Posted on 2011-03-06 23:06:58


Hmm, where did you find this helloworld.lua file? Was it a copy of the script on this page? That was meant to be run as a system.lua script. system.lua being the script that is run first when Verge starts, from which all other non-map scripts start.

Anyway, it's very likely you're getting this error because you haven't modified your system.lua, or helloworld.lua is defining an autoexec and so is system.lua, but helloworld.lua is require'd before system.lua defines autoexec.

Anyway, in Lua, it is not an error to "redefine" an existing function, because this
function autoexec()
    -- ...

is just syntax sugar for this
autoexec = function()
    -- ...

where autoexec is a variable holding the function value.

Hope that helps.

EDIT: modified the vx hello world page to tell people to save it as system.lua.

Posted on 2011-03-07 06:48:35 (last edited on 2011-03-07 06:54:58)


Okay, changing it to system.lua worked. I was worried I did something completely ridiculous! lol

Thanks, and if something else goes on I can't solve, I'll remember to upload it. :)

Posted on 2011-03-07 08:40:47

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