Making obstruction tiles for MapEd
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Can you make/load any obstruction tiles in MapEd other than the pregenerated ones yet? If so, how?

Posted on 2005-01-29 00:54:03


I've found that the best way is to make them in photoshop and then copy the image to the clipboard and import from teh clipboard into the obstruction tile set.

Posted on 2005-01-29 01:26:35


Yes you can.

I'm not sure if this is the only way but this is how I do it:

For your obstruction tiles make sure the background is Black RGB(0,0,0) and your obstruction outline is white RGB(255,255,255)

Then in Maped click:

Where it says 'Destination Tile Bank' choose 'Obstructions' from the drop down menu.

And choose your source, either an image, from the clipboard, etc. If you're looking at the obstructions you have to choose from it might not appear right away. Click on a different obstruction and it should refresh the window.

Since rage beat me to it, I agree with him. Importing from the Clipboard seems to be the easiest/best way of importing tiles/obstructions.

Posted on 2005-01-29 01:31:25 (last edited on 2005-01-29 01:32:20)


Oh. Blarggh, I missed that little Destination tab in the Import box. I have all the intellegence of a brick.

Posted on 2005-01-29 23:38:03


Quote:Originally posted by Time_Wizard

Oh. Blarggh, I missed that little Destination tab in the Import box. I have all the intellegence of a brick.

Lego, or standard?

Easy mistake to make, Maped's not the easiest of tools but it's still nice to have. You shouldn't need that many custom obstructions since the default ones serve very well for most situations. Always check to see if any tile/obstruction combos are making the player's head stick through the scenery though!

Posted on 2005-01-31 03:24:01

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