.map file format? (for bitmap to map)
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I made a utility a while ago for RM2K & 3 that takes a 16 color indexed bitmap and makes a LMU file (RM2K map) out of it. It's handy for taking a prexisting world map image and turning it into an RM2K map. (I made FF1, FF2, FF3, DW 1, 2, 3 worlds maps quickly with it)

I'd like to do something similar for verge3 but I can't decipher the .map file format. (I think maybe the data is compressed? LMU it's all 2bytes per tile uncompressed - big file but easy to figure out)

Anyhoo, my other option is that you will add a feature like this to Maped!

Posted on 2004-04-12 19:54:19


I believe importing an image as a layer is planned. Previous mapeds had it.

Posted on 2004-04-12 20:08:59


Hard to explain. The image isn't a layer.
Rather the image is used to place tiles into the map.

For example. Let's say you have a 2 color bitmap, black and white. Black is land, white is water.
The utility generates the map substituting black for a "grass" tile and white for a "water" tile. That way you get an actual tiled map you can modify further, rather than just an image.

It's like a template. It's very handy in RM2k & 3 for making large overworld maps (especially from existing games)

Posted on 2004-04-12 20:23:32


Aen made something like this for me a few months ago, which took a gif and made a map with a tile for every different color on the map.

So I went from [this]

To these: [1] [2] [3]

With very little hassle.

Also, as far as making advanced map import utilities... I was thinking that making a PSD->Map utility would be the bizzity bomb. It'd create all the unique tiles needed for every layer, add them to a vsp, and create each layer as appropriate from the layers order. Hell, you could even have it do the same for the Obs layer as long as you named one of your layers (or better yet, masks) 'obstructions'.

That'd probably be the greatest benefit in the world to a pure artist trying to make a map.

Is this what you meant?

Posted on 2004-04-13 00:12:54


I'd paypal $10 to the person who did something like that with a .psd file.

Posted on 2004-04-13 01:21:53


McGrue got it right! That is exactly what I want to do!

I'm a cartographer so it's 100x easier for me to draw maps in Illustrator and port them out to PhotoShop for finishing.

Posted on 2004-04-13 16:05:20


I just want to say, I desperately need an 'import image as layer' option in maped.

Posted on 2004-04-13 16:30:58


Unfortunately, PSD isn't documented very well. GIMP can kinda sorta load it, as I understand it, but it's not very reliable.

Importing from an array of PNG/GIF/whatevers would be much more realistic.

Posted on 2004-04-13 18:29:51


BTW McGrue does that Utitility Aen made work for Verge3 maps?
If so, can you upload it so we can play with it? :)

Posted on 2004-04-13 18:45:27


Also, map import code for v1 through 3 is sekrit

Posted on 2004-04-13 19:07:46 (last edited on 2004-04-13 22:54:24)


Unfortunately, PSD isn't documented very well. GIMP can kinda sorta load it, as I understand it, but it's not very reliable.

Importing from an array of PNG/GIF/whatevers would be much more realistic.

Yes, but it would not be as cool.

Posted on 2004-04-13 22:56:40


Odorous, The map format is not finalized and we would prefer that other public utilities not get made that utilize it just yet. But import-image-as-an-entire-freaking-map is on the todo list

Posted on 2004-04-13 22:58:24

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