math question
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I failed math about 15 years ago... so I need some math help from one or two of you smart folks.

I'm (clearly by now) doing an "Asteroids" type deal, and I now have the rotation down... but I'm having trouble figuring out how to move a ship in said direction.

So let's say I have a variable called "player_dir"... and let's assume that I'm moving it in increments of 6. I can, of course, change that if it helps at all, but the rotational speed works ok at 6.

...anyway... I can turn the thing, but when I want to move it forward, what exactly am I doing? I'm basically calculating the vector, and then traveling the vector. But... and here's where my lack of math starts showing... how do I do that given only a 360 degree-based direction?

Man... when is that mapping code going to come out? I need to get back to RPGs. ;|



Posted on 2004-02-24 23:43:18


Every vector can be cut into x and y components. sin(theta) will return the y component of a vector of length 1 (aka a normal vector). cos(theta) returns the x component.

Since VC is all ints all the time, sin and cos return fixed point 16.16 integers. Basically, this means that 65536 == 1.0, 32767 == 0.5, and so forth.

What I would do is store all your positions in this 16.16 position, then divide by 65536 (or shift right 16 bits) when you draw.

A consequence of the 16.16 fixed point thing is that multiplication will yield a result that's 16 bits too big. You have to divide again after every multiply.

So, you could do something like:

#define FIXED int

struct Point
    FIXED x;
    FIXED y;

Point shipPosition;
int shipAngle;
FIXED shipSpeed;

void moveShip()
    FIXED x = (cos(shipAngle) * shipSpeed) >> 16;
    FIXED y = (sin(shipAngle) * shipSpeed) >> 16;
    shipPosition.x += x;
    shipPosition.y += y;

Posted on 2004-02-25 02:10:06 (last edited on 2004-02-25 02:30:31)


Oooo. That's tasty.

You're smart. Thanks, SB.

...well... hmm. It produces some seriously odd results... but I think with some tinkering I might be able to hack through this. You definitely got the ship moving. :)


Posted on 2004-02-25 02:32:07 (last edited on 2004-02-25 02:44:41)


Oh gods, things like sin and cos hurt my brain in ways that should be illegal.

My spelling should be illegal too.

Posted on 2004-02-25 08:46:49 (last edited on 2004-02-25 08:48:42)


It's really not that complicated. If you draw a unit circle, and draw a line from the center to a point on that circle, at some angle theta, then sin(theta) will be the y coordinate of the point. cos(theta) will be the x coordinate of the point.

That's really all there is to it. :)

Posted on 2004-02-25 15:01:06



Posted on 2004-02-25 19:00:31


theta, greek symbol assigned to the word angle

Posted on 2004-02-25 19:06:17


theta is the angle. Like 90, 180, 45, etc

Posted on 2004-02-25 19:06:56

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