Missing Button Functions
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I might just be tired, but it seems to me that no one has documented what the Button Functions actually ARE in V3. Not that they're any different than in the past versions, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the docs (despite multiple references to B1-4). Obviously you can use the scan codes, but for the sake of clarity, I think it should be in the docs. It's sort of like abbreviating something, but never saying what it stands for in the first place, YFA.

B1 - Enter
B2 - Alt
B3 - Esc
B4 - Spacebar

Just saying, I searched for a while to find these and came up short. Finally I just coded them into my game one by one and activated them. Easy enough, but a waste of time for something that should be in the docs. Maybe I've reached that point in the night where you go retarded, but that's a good sign in my opinion (shows I'm working hard).


(YFA is "You Friggin A-Holes", See how confusing that was?)

Posted on 2008-03-17 04:53:20

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