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I miss AmigaDOS. Best OS evar :(

Posted on 2008-10-15 00:09:22


Oh, come now Overkill. The ./ is there for a perfectly good reason.

Posted on 2008-10-18 20:19:51


I'll use the file manager when I'm reasonably sure I don't need the run-time error messages to figure out why it's not working - till then, I'll live with the console output :)

For the time being, it's telling me "./verge3: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", even though is in the same folder.

Is there a way to compile dependencies like that into the final executable so that I can treat it more or less as a drop in replacement for the standard verge.exe?

Posted on 2008-10-19 17:15:26


Try putting the .so file into your /usr/lib/ folder. Linux generally looks for shared libraries in specific places, and most of the time, the current directory is NOT one of them.

I bet the reason is security. For someone unfamiliar with it, they could accidentally place a malicious library in the current directory (like their home folder), which could then do all sorts of nasty things if you ran a program that used it.

The idea is probably same for why executing from the current directory requires the explicit ./. You don't want stuff in the current folder treated with the same priority as system commands. Same for libraries.

If putting it in /usr/lib doesn't work, there's also a command-line function called LD_PRELOAD, which allows you to force load a library for one command, but I'm not sure how to use it. You'd need to google it.

Posted on 2008-10-19 18:08:25


Hmm, I'm not sure this is any better for someone unfamiliar with it. I'm not sure I like the idea of manually copying random libraries into my OS libs folder. I mean, if the library is compromised, then it's going to wind up compromising any application on the system which uses it, rather than just the one specific program. Though I suppose it would make it easier to track down the offending library once the problem is identified.

Posted on 2008-10-20 07:47:36


Well, the idea is, if you're unfamiliar with it, you're not going to be compiling and installing libraries in the first place. And if _are_, then you're wise enough to deal with it.

It's not a big deal. You probably do weird things to your Windows setup with tweaks all the time.

And since Verge complains it can't find it -- it's obvious that _nothing_ else uses that library on Linux (otherwise it would be installed). I think you're safe here.

Posted on 2008-10-20 07:55:28


So the full process - under Ubuntu/debian type distros - is something like

build essentials
sdl development package

use SVN to retrieve source code from
Username: anonymous
Password: anonymous

navigate to verge/trunk/linux in downloaded source
type 'make'. Wait for compile to complete and present you with verge3 and
copy to /usr/lib/

download and extract a VERGE game
copy verge3 into the extracted folder, and run it from there.

I believe someone said there were issues with the way that Linux handles upper/lower case though compared to Windows, and I did run into this with Demon Lord Adventure, where the files were named in upper case on the disk, and in lower case in the code, so that's another compatibility issue to watch for. Once the files were renamed though, music did play (poorly, but I blame that on the netbook and my crappy headphones ;) ). That sound output works at all is miraculous.

Posted on 2008-10-20 12:27:56 (last edited on 2008-10-22 09:35:55)

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