Music trouble - losing music altogether
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I'm testing between 3 maps right now, my overworld, a town, and my battle map. My town plays one song (and always stopSong's before exiting), my overworld plays another (and always stopSong's before entering town or the battle map), and my Battle map picks from a random setlist (and always stopSong's before returning to the overworld). However, after a few switches, I lose music altogether, no more songs will play. Sounds still work, but the music is dead altogether.

These are all MP3's - is there a bug with this? Is there a fix?


Posted on 2005-10-21 14:25:51


Can you give me the lines of code you're using to start and stop the song? Or are you using the Map's built-in song playing?

Posted on 2005-10-21 19:18:36


I wasn't using freesong();

Color me purple and call me Billy.


Posted on 2005-10-21 19:37:30


Oh good, I was all worried.

All is well now?

Posted on 2005-10-22 03:43:06

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