Need help "upgrading" my game
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I'm having trouble transferring my game over to the newest version of VERGE from the 2004/09/28 version. Is... uh, is there a trick to it? When I simply copy over the .vc files, it just sort of freezes upon start up. It doesn't give an error or anything. The verbose vc log doesn't SEEM to show any errors, either. What kind of changes do I need to make ? Thanks!

Posted on 2005-09-14 18:10:41


Absolutely none?
I did it before, it didn't seem to show any errors. The newer version is really a lotta fixes and stuff for the 9/28 version, so in theory, it should work, since nothing was really changed...
Perhaps you forgot a VC somewhere? Maybe the error's in your verge.cfg.

Posted on 2005-09-14 18:20:02


Thanks for such a prompt reply!
I got it working after systematically ruling out all other potential problems. I eventually had to comment out some EntitySpawn code. I haven't figured out why that was problematic, but I think it may be conflicting with some other EntitySpawn code I have tucked away somewhere else. One more kink in the chain, I guess... :P
Thanks again!

Posted on 2005-09-14 20:38:47

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