Need help with an idea, involving isometric...
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Currently I'm thinking about designing a fan-sequel for a certain game on the SNES. The game is done entirely in a psedo-isometric style using large tiles. Now, here is the problem. The game has multiple layers. For example, there are multiple 'floors' that the player can jump onto, and fall down to a lower level.
I can't think of any real way to pull this off with the current entity system without completely ripping it to shreds. It would be relatively easy if each level was not on top of any other level, like in the DOOM engine, but that isn't the case, some levels can be directly on top of other levels.
One idea I had that I thought MIGHT work is that it would be possible to dynamically change the renderstring and the obstruction layer. Does anyone know if it is possible to 'pre-create' additional obstruction layers and then change which layer is the active obstruction layer? That way you could have a unique obstruction layer for every layer of tiles in the level. Bah, even that idea doesn't sound like it would work.
Does anyone have any ideas of how this can be accomplished? I'm at a complete loss. If I'm not making a whole lot of sense, I can tell you which game it is I'm talking about (if it's not obvious), but I don't want to give EVERYTHING away. :D
Posted on 2004-04-01 22:05:16
You might want to talk to Zara. He's pulled off an iso system in v2 before.
Posted on 2004-04-01 22:49:10
It sounds to me like you'll be wanting to hijack the movement system entirely. Just totally ignore the obs and zone layers and code your own custom layers to do the same thing. You might as well use entities, but you'll need to design your own movement system for them.
Posted on 2004-04-02 00:06:59
Isometric perspective in V3 isn't impossible, even with multiple layers. It's just a real pain to code. My suggestion is to use certain layers exclusively for obstructions. But, then again, you have to make your own method read this, figure out what layer your character is on, etc.
Posted on 2004-04-02 02:08:21
The real problem that I'm starting to see with this is that I think it's just too complicated. I'm fine at coding relatively simple things. Every once in a while I can whip up something that surprises me, but it's sheer luck, one of those "I don't really KNOW why that worked but who cares?" type of things. I think something like that is perhaps out of my scope until and if I learn some advanced techniques. :( It's such a shame too.
Posted on 2004-04-02 06:24:32
if(reach > grasp) grasp++;
else learning = false; // runs faster :)
I'm just saying.
Posted on 2004-04-03 02:51:40 (last edited on 2004-04-03 08:16:46)
first = makeAttempt();
if( !first.suceed() ) {
try {
...yeah, I got nuttin'.
Posted on 2004-04-03 06:19:54 (last edited on 2004-04-03 06:20:12)
For something involving multiple levels like Solstice or Head over Heels, I'd probably do the map -and- entity rendering in code. If you just need a mostly plane map like Sim City 2000, though, it's quite simple to do.
Posted on 2004-04-03 07:26:31
Actually, Solstice is a very good example of what I'd like to do, thanks for mentioning it, because I'd completely forgotten about that game. Hmm, looks like I have some thinking to do.
Posted on 2004-04-03 08:52:59
I'm clueless: what game are we talking about here?
Posted on 2004-04-08 18:05:11