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I'm trying to use packfiles to release my demo, but the only documentation I've found has been limited. Can someone walk me through the process of using one of these things?

I tried putting:

mount1 LostDog.vpk

in the .cfg file, but it didn't work. The game just closes instantly.

It does the same thing when I set releasemode to 1.

What's going on? Am I using this wrong?

Posted on 2011-03-29 02:52:12


you tried releasemode 0? Which version of verge, and what operating system?

Posted on 2011-03-29 08:52:44


releasemode 0 also doesn't work.

I'm using the newest build of verge 3 (with lua) and I'm on Windows. At home I use Windows 7, but I also have access to XP and it's not working on either.

The window pops up but closes immediately. Can someone walk me through this?

Posted on 2011-03-29 11:05:26

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