Point direction (Game Maker convert)
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I'm coming from game maker and looking to convert code, the simplest seems to be point a object or enemy ai in a direction when he's attack by my hero or ally ai's.

Here's the code.

x1 = argument0;
y1 = argument1;
x2 = argument2;
y2 = argument3;

dt = sqrt(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1));
dir = 0;

if (x2 > x1){
   if (y2 > y1){
       dir = ceil(arcsin((y2 - y1)/dt));
       dir = ceil(360 - arcsin((x2 - x1)/dt));
   if (y2 > y1){
       dir = ceil(180 - arcsin((y2 - y1)/dt));
       dir = ceil(180 + arcsin((x2 - x1)/dt));
return (((arctan2(argument0-argument2,argument1-argument3)* (180/pi))) + 450) mod 360;

in gm It'd be used like so.
speed=2; direction=point_dir(herox,heroy,aix,aiy);

Posted on 2011-02-22 16:06:53


Are you looking for help converting this to vergec or to lua?

Posted on 2011-02-22 17:09:51



Posted on 2011-02-22 17:16:06


I need a little more context. Do you have a verge demo that you're trying to add this to, or is this a general question before you start?

Posted on 2011-02-24 23:57:52

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