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Hey, sorry dont mean to bother you again but Im having another problem. I downloaded the program and unzipped it, but everytime i try to open it, it says "You have successfully run V3. This is only an early alpha release and lacks any meaningfull documentation still. To go see examples of what this engin is currently capable of, go to and check out the files section for v3 demos. Also poke around the message boards and the read me txt. Included in this zip." does this mean i have to download more files? can some one help me out again lol. Thanks you guys are great.


Posted on 2005-10-31 16:56:15


Actually, that means you've downloaded and unzipped everything correctly! Unfortunately, it's not very user-friendly in its newly-downloaded state.

So... I suggest you head on over to Rysen's Verge Tutorial! It's a bit of a read, but once you get the basics down Verge is really very awesome. So it pays to put in a bit of reading time now :)

Good luck!

Posted on 2005-10-31 18:06:49


Verge isn't a game-maker in the way you're thinking of, I think. You don't "run" it and use it to make games, then "compile" it into a runnable application. Instead, you write scripts, which the engine will run when you double click on it. When you distribute the game, you actually package up the whole thing.

All you need to start working with VERGE now is a text editor. If you open up System.VC, you'll see the lines of code that make it give you that message.

Rysen's tutorial is a VERY good place to start, and if you have any other questions, feel free to come back (or ask on irc or something).

Posted on 2005-10-31 19:27:56

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