Resizing a Silhouette
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As the title says, I am wondering about the possibility of resizing a silhouette. I want to compare the in-game sizes of two sprites (not to scale), and want them to both be completely black. Individually, I could easily use Scale() or Silhouette(), but I am not sure if there is any way to combine the two, short of creating all-black sprites specially for this purpose.

Another question I have is if it is possible to create a sprite through code (SpawnEntity()) and give it an interaction function. I have a lot of extra variables for my entities, and creating them in-code wold be a lot easier.

Posted on 2009-09-07 14:48:24


If you want to combine different blits like that, the best way to go about it is to draw to a buffer as necessary before actually drawing to a screen.

The play by play is roughly this:
  • Create a new image (the buffer) with the same dimensions as the one you want to scale / silhouette
  • Fill the buffer with death magenta [RGB(255,0,255)], assuming you want transparency
  • Silhouette your original image to the buffer
  • ScaleBlit the buffer to the screen
  • Make sure you free the buffer when you're done with it!

    Hope that helps. Regarding your second question, you should be able to do something like that, but I'm honestly not familiar enough with the entity / map system to really know.
  • Posted on 2009-09-09 22:17:53

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