Sargana's tutorial challenge!
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To preface, I have no idea if this will actually work or not~~

That said I am proposing a contest. Not just any contest mind you -- a tutorial writing contest ~ontest ~ontest ~ontest (ominous echo).

So one thing that I have found entering my foray into using Verge to turn my warped imagination into progress, is that there is a notable lack of tutorials expounding on how to do specific things, use specific functions, specific programming techniques etc. This leaves me (and others like me) having to reinvent the wheel every time, by exploring the functions, what makes them work, what makes them explode, etc.

I can understand the motive to write tutorials is low, outside the satisfaction of providing something useful, so I propose a contest under which the following simple terms shall apply:

1: Keep the tutorial focused. Educate us (read Sargana) on how to do something specific. "How to Write a Battle System" is bit too broad, on the other hand "How to use <insert function name / group of functions>" is much more useful. Good examples might be "How to Write a Text Box function" or "How to improve you text box".

2: Keep it short, but informative -- in other words don't freaking ramble. A tutorial on how to use graphic functions should not spiral into the history and roots of programming. Just show us how to do what you promise and give us some examples or tricks to make the functions work better to fit our vision.

3: Don't necessarily restrict yourself to code itself -- other features of verge could use some tutorials. How to create a character graphic file, how to create and install a tileset, etc.

4: Don't overdo it. I'd say ultimately that no tutorial should need to exceed four written pages, and even that might be pushing it. We don't need a treatise on every nuance anymore than you will be able to find the time to write one.

I'll be thrilled if it works out, let you old fogeys teach us some of your tricks and let those who know the system better teach the intricacies of its use and syntax.

Posted on 2007-11-25 09:43:12


I've tried this before!


If only we could make it compelling to explain things to the dispassionate oldsters.

Any ideas?

Posted on 2007-11-26 05:05:00

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