I have been using a 16x16 pixel tilesize for my game but realized that most of those tiles were made out of 8x8 tiles, so I am currently resizing everything to twice the original size (I was doing that with SetResolution() anyway) to allow for more detail. However, some of the tiles are
not able to be used in the new size without complicated tiling, and I thought that it might be nice to have a placeholder tile to put in the map, and then run that through a program that replaced it with what it should be using something like the code below.
if (GetTile(h,w)==6) SetTile(h,w,Random(7,8);
if (GetTile(h,w)==9) SetTile(h,w,10);
if (GetTile(h,w)==9) SetTile(h,w,11);
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to save these changes to the map. Am I missing something, or am I stuck with redoing the change every time the map loads?