SetTile- Working, but temporary
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My SetTile function works, but when the character performs a mapswitch, the SetTile function stops working. Here's the code, so can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong with this?
void TorchRight()
	SetTile(14, 45, 0, 392);
	SetTile(25, 5, 1, 396);
	SetTile(25, 4, 1, 398);
	SetTile(26, 4, 1, 399);
	SetTile(27, 4, 1, 399);
	SetTile(28, 4, 1, 400);
	SetTile(28, 5, 1, 397);
	SetTile(26, 5, 1, 359);
	SetObs(26, 5, 0);
	SetTile(27, 5, 1, 359);
	SetObs(27, 5, 0);

Posted on 2015-02-01 15:17:35


No need to answer my question, Kildorf helped me figure it out, so I'm all set.

Posted on 2015-03-07 15:00:04

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