So I guess backwards compatibility is no more?
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I noticed that with the latest version of Verge3, my Dragon Quest WIP does not compile anymore. Guess I'm stuck with what I was using back then. :D I'm fine with that for the most part...except I think there might have been some kind of FreeImage() memory leak issue?

Posted on 2008-02-02 23:20:38


Strange! But I have no idea what sort of backwards compatibility things you're running into, because you haven't posted the error! Also, make sure you're not using releasemode when switching between versions, as that rarely is backwards compatible.

Most of the added stuff has either been new syntax features or new builtin functions and variables. As far as syntax being disallowed, I'm fairly sure there's only been a handful of things, that you really shouldn't have been able to do in the first place, like one letter #defines (#d) or #includes, or really messed up #defines. I know that pretty much most of my changes have not hurt the backwards compatibility of syntax, but I might have made some specific errors more explanatory than before!

I'd rather you tell me what's broken so I can fix it than you hurting my feelings and using an old build with many known bugs and lack of several useful features.

Posted on 2008-02-03 02:42:16


Backwards compatibility can only be maintained so much before V3 turns into Windows. :) One of the most common things that happens with engine updates is that the engine has introduced a new function that collides with the name of one of your own functions (for instance, VergeC has an actual min and max function now, so a lot of older code where people had to write their own will now break). Another likely problem is if you were doing something in a weird way to get around Verge's quirky behaviour and then someone fixed those quirks.

Can you post the errors? Really, there probably are some very good reasons for using the new builds.

Posted on 2008-02-03 09:02:09


Ok, so far it turns out that the new parser is far superior to the previous one, and it caught some naming mistakes I made as well as some illegal characters and other syntax errors! Damn perfect parser!

...Anyway I finally got everything to compile. Here are some interesting things I noticed:

-Having two identical #defines hangs the compiler
-' and - can no longer be used in #defines. I guess this is understandable though. The only reason I had these in the first place was that I have a script to generate #defines based on an item file. Oh's easy enough to change.

I also noticed quite a few errors I made that were never caught before. I can't believe the other parser accepted some of these, like having a random ` on the leftmost boundary of the file.

I take back what I said in the topic title. Backwards compatibility is definitely far more accurate parsing!

...Now the only oddity I'm noticing is that my variable-width dialogue font displays the first character on every line improperly (or it displays with something superimposed on it). Hopefully I'll be able to get to the bottom of this... Observe:

Odd VWF artifact

Posted on 2008-02-06 23:00:52 (last edited on 2008-02-06 23:43:04)


It looks to me like, rather than something being on top of the text, that your text is on top of... something. What happens if you blit four lines of whitespace into a text box?

Posted on 2008-02-07 14:36:17

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