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...just askin', s'all.

Posted on 2004-02-15 07:21:36


I'm sure I'll need some help here and there... once V3 is out :P

There probably won't be many people needing help until then. Especially considering that the V2 engine files aren't even on this new site yet... kinda hard for them to need help if they can't even download the product!

Posted on 2004-02-15 13:06:04


Yeah, I need help.

I'd like the V3 maped (as it is so far, if possible) so I can use the map() function without it crashing on me.

So far I've managed to port a nice little text function that kind of emulates V1's "SText()", but looks nicer (fading box effects and other stuff).

I may make a small game with it, so map capability would always be nice... Otherwise, I guess it's gonna have a huge pile of .pcx files or something. (I could always use v2's tile system to make a temporary fix, but I'd rather not...)

Posted on 2004-02-15 18:17:54


well, that's just the thing... v3 maps aren't exactly lovingly compatible with any map formats at the present, IIRC. that'll be changing shortly, tho...

Every game/demo that's currently been made with it (and there are a few more yet-to-be-released) has been graphics librarys only (well, and the mouse for control...)

Posted on 2004-02-15 19:28:28


Code your own V3 map engine using the v2 map specfile! It'll be a lot slower but it'll work! :D

Posted on 2004-02-15 19:54:53 (last edited on 2004-02-15 19:55:10)


You are a sick, sad man.


...someone should do that just to show off how big their pointless coder balls are. It% ¢ZÒbe like obfuscated code contests... except less gay!

Posted on 2004-02-15 22:37:15


WTF is all that character code nonsense?

Posted on 2004-02-16 09:46:45


ee yeah what is that. I think grue's intarweb is just broken, considering the problems he had ftping the files library.

Posted on 2004-02-16 13:00:46


This had better be some weird computer virus, or I'm gonna be pissed.

Posted on 2004-02-16 18:58:03

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