So uh..
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I know that the current V3 isn't supposed to be workable or anything but, where can I find some utilities for the damn thing? Or do the older ones still work for V3??? I'm Mainly looking for a compatible vcc...

Posted on 2004-03-30 15:16:13


verge.exe is the compiler/executable, you dont need any vcc.exe anymore

nd if your refering ot maped or tileEd, I want them too =p

Posted on 2004-03-30 16:35:16


You dont use VCC with v3. The engine compiles your code at runtime. Presently, the best tool you can get is textpad. ^_^

Posted on 2004-03-30 23:47:08


Speaking of TextPad, you wouldn't happen to have an updated syntax file for it? I mean I have V2's .syn file, just wondering if there's one that includes v3 functions.

Posted on 2004-03-31 02:40:48


pssh, you can get by with just a cpp syntax file fine.

Posted on 2004-03-31 12:34:47


You can get by with the V2 syntax file just fine too.

Posted on 2004-03-31 16:59:30


I edited the old one, a little while ago, to include the new functions/variables, etc. and decided to upload it to my site for anyone that wants it. I figured there was no point in uploading it to this site, since I'm sure there'll be more to add later.


Posted on 2004-03-31 22:45:17


Eh, just upload it here. The site's now set up to handle multiple versions of a file... except I *still* haven't decided on an interface to do it by.

Posted on 2004-03-31 22:55:24


Because your mom's a lesbian.

Posted on 2004-03-31 23:01:37


What does my mother's alternative lifestyle have to do with this?

Posted on 2004-04-01 01:34:32


Done and done.

Posted on 2004-04-01 03:30:50


Thanks. That can be prove to be useful. Most of time, I find myself using Wordpad (Text-only mode) to write my code, but this could come in handy.

Posted on 2004-04-02 02:02:26


Grue's mom is a lesbian? That's not what she told me last night.

Posted on 2004-04-05 20:02:15


The answer tends to depend on whether it's a girl asking or not.

Posted on 2004-04-05 20:57:15

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