Sound Effect problems
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I'm trying to play a sound effect(in WAV form) but it won't work, or I can't hear it. It's possible that I'm using a low value for volume, so I was wondering what the max value for volume is. Is it 128 like it was in Verge2? And does the sample rate have to be something specific?

Here's the code I use to load/play a soundeffect:

int sounds[MAXSOUNDS];

void LoadSounds()

//within another function

When I do this, I hear nothing.

Posted on 2004-03-08 00:12:47 (last edited on 2004-03-08 00:39:43)


Are you able to play music? If not, make sure NOSOUND 1 isn't in your verge.cfg.

Also, make sure the wav itself is not actually compressed in some crazy ADPCM format. I had some problems with that, but maybe that was fixed when FMOD went in, because I saw on the fmod website that it supported most types of ADPCM.

Posted on 2004-03-08 00:55:44


The maximum volume is 100 now. However, I just tested and setting a volume greater than the maximum doesnt seem to make the sound not work.

I would double check your filename. Loading a sound effect or music module that isn't there will NOT generate a runtime error, it will return 0 as the handle, and attempts to play it will simply be ignored.

It possible that some wavs might not work, however, the .WAV format is a pretty screwed up one with many many many possible format variations, but FMOD has worked on every one that i've tried.

Let me know if you still can't get it to work...

Posted on 2004-03-08 00:57:03


[whoops, I should've just edited this instead of making a new post]

Posted on 2004-03-08 01:11:22 (last edited on 2004-03-08 01:38:50)


It works now. Turned out to be a stupid coding error. The Sound Effects work perfectly ;)

Posted on 2004-03-08 01:38:12 (last edited on 2004-03-08 01:39:25)

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