speed curious
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Would it be faster to draw my entire background with one call to TBlit, or divide it up into parts that are necessary to draw, and do it with like 20 calls to TBlit?

The parts that are necessary to draw are about half the total screen area I'd guess.

Posted on 2004-05-02 02:09:17 (last edited on 2004-05-02 02:19:59)


Will depend how often you are needing to update the various parts. I'm an advocate of render-on-demand, keeping the amount of things to be re-drawn every game loop to a minimum, and render everything else only when it needs to be.
Depends entirely on how you want your game to work.


Posted on 2004-05-02 02:19:43


i'll be redrawing the whole thing every frame.

Posted on 2004-05-02 02:20:58 (last edited on 2004-05-02 08:17:10)


To smooth things out a bit, you might try something like the code below. This lets you set the wait time, do slow stuff like drawing, and not have it added to the time you want to wait. If it took longer to draw than you had told it to wait, it will not wait at all.
int wt_waituntiltime = 0; // global

void SetWaitUntillTime(int waittime)
wt_waituntiltime = systemtime + waittime;

void WaitUntillThen()
while(wt_waituntiltime > systemtime) UpdateControls();

// an example:

PrintStringS(fsdx, 130, screen, v3font, "%2F%8o%1n%bt %6S%3u%2b%8s%1e%bt %6D");

Hope this helps,

Posted on 2004-05-02 18:20:41


Alternativley, it also easy to run some operations less often than once per game loop.

void autoexec()

if (gl_last_time + gl_time_delay < timer)
// Stuff to do less often than every game loop
gl_last_time = timer;
// Stuff to do every game loop


[Edit: His code is better. Has a simpler if statement.]

Posted on 2004-05-02 23:05:15 (last edited on 2004-05-03 23:34:18)


Very good point as well. Especially when waiting for user input I'll do something like:
  if(draw_time < systemtime)

draw_time = systemtime + 10;


Posted on 2004-05-02 23:38:01


no really, i'll be redrawing it every frame.

kthx, i'll just try different things to see what's faster :]

Posted on 2004-05-03 00:36:57


In which case, TBlit in as big as chuncks as possible without unnessersary overwriting.


Posted on 2004-05-03 02:28:38


thanks! :]

Posted on 2004-05-03 03:33:58

Displaying 1-9 of 9 total.
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