Stuck in Diver Down
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I suppose this goes in the help section, since I require some help.

Aside from programming my own RPG, I've lately gotten round to playing some Diver Down. Its great, by the way, but I've gotten stuck fairly early.

I'm in the first village and not entirely sure what I'm doing. I've grabbed vegetables, dodged wolves and chased a blue bird into someone's house but other than that, I've hit something of a rut. Hints?

Posted on 2004-03-19 10:44:36


Try talking to the bartender. He gives out hints. (You will have to pay money though.)

Posted on 2004-03-19 17:13:24


Someone needs to make a FAQ for that game. Sully shouldn't be the only one with a FAQ on ; )

Posted on 2004-03-19 17:16:42


There's a faq for another one too, Rainbow Despair I think it was? The one with the witch, cat & fighting some alligator in the sewers

If you're too lazy to talk the bartender, maybe you should go upstairs in there..

Posted on 2004-03-21 02:41:41


Ok, I'll give that a shot. This early section isn't entirely obvious and I managed to start chasing around a blue bird without really knowing why. Only later did I talk to someone who asked me to. I'll talk to the barman.

Posted on 2004-03-22 09:28:10


Yay, passed the section and got reasonably far thereafter. this is good stuff. I'm enjoying this enormously.

Posted on 2004-03-23 14:38:49


Grue, Did you make this post before or after I mentioned my desire to make a FAQ for Diver Down? ;)

But anyways, I have idlly started working on a FAQ for diver down. It's not really in any useable form at the moment.

We'll see if I get around to finishing it before someone beats me to it.

Posted on 2004-03-23 18:15:08 (last edited on 2004-03-23 18:18:08)


Before you were serious about it, after it was laughingly mentioned.

Posted on 2004-03-23 18:42:22


Good grief! The difficult curve's a little steep here and there, isn't it? Some battles are punishment from the beyond, especially the worms battle in the mines. Crikey. I can't help feeling that a few more merchants in the battle areas might have helped make things a little more bearable. Still, this IS blinding stuff, and the dialogues of a consistently good quality too: something I appreciate.

Posted on 2004-03-26 10:13:30 (last edited on 2004-03-26 10:14:59)


Yeah, the game requires lots of preparing ahead of time. Power leveling people, stopping and leveling people when you get them, stocking up on the best equipment and items...

Posted on 2004-03-26 19:59:28


Bah, forgot to login when I posted that last message.

FAQ is coming along, at about version .1 right now. Though next time I get a chance to work on it, the walkthrough for ACT I should be complete.

Posted on 2004-03-26 20:06:07


Gahah, both of Hypno's 2 posts on this one thread!

Posted on 2004-03-27 03:10:25


Hope you can help me. I am in the cruxen mines and stuck at the first puzzle room. The one with the roman numeral boxes in it. How do I do it? I have been trying for at least 2 hours! As you can tell. I am not to experinced at these games, but love to play them now.
Thanks, Mawmar

Posted on 2004-10-29 20:37:07


I am in act2 going through the sands. Every time I get so far I get killed and it comes up on malcom that he has -1 energy and then it freezes. Can any one help me? I have windows xp

Posted on 2004-11-13 02:15:29


That definitely didn't happen to me. Huh. Anyone else run into this? You might be able to get through anyway if you just save every few steps so that the freeze doesn't set you back too far.

Posted on 2004-11-13 04:27:33


Wow I don't think I ever knew this thread existed. I never check the help forum anymore.

I hope you passed that puzzle room. Email me if you didn't.

The Weeping Sands kill everybody who doesn't have a mask on. That's the only reason I can think of that Malcolm would have -1 health (that should never happen anyway, 0 should be the bottom). So ya, that's weird. Save a lot, like gayo said. And get Desert Masks if you can.

Posted on 2004-11-14 06:24:36


Uhhh bumping 7 month old post = band

Posted on 2004-11-16 03:48:00


I am in Lumen and I am having a hard time trying to kill kraken. I slash him and then he does a tidal wave then charge and I die. I have been trying this for the last 2 weeks. Can any one help me?

Posted on 2004-11-23 22:56:52


you need to block when he does his tidal wave attack. and he always charges up before the turn he uses it. just make sure you have enough life otherwise.

Posted on 2004-12-04 09:18:46


Meanwhile, I'm stuck in that maze-like area after recruiting the pirate woman. (the section where all the fights are Gypsys and Thieves (where are the tramps? If you get that joke, you're as old as I am...))
I have no idea where to go or how to get any further, I just keep backtracking over the same path over and over and over.....
You get my point.

Posted on 2004-12-08 05:56:52

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