Theory Question - Hex Grid
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I'm looking at attempting a conversion of the original Fire Emblem game for NES from grid based to hex based. I plan to use 640x480, so I think that'll help with makeshift construction of a hex grid, but... I have no idea where to even begin with the math for movement on a hexgrid. Anyone have any tutorials for hex grids in general, or suggestions for how to make it work in verge?

Posted on 2005-07-18 01:57:45



Yes! GameDev has excellent don't have my links, but, um...two seconds...these are good...

Isometric and Hexy Stuff from Gamedev

Not sure if I can link to the articles directly, but I particularly enjoyed:

Isometric 'n' Hexagonal Maps Part I
Isometric 'n' Hexagonal Maps Part II
Introduction To Isometric Engines

and maybe that 'How to Cache Tiles in Memory Efficiently' article, or something like that.

I'd login, but...well, anyway. Not using my personal laptop right now...

Posted on 2005-07-18 11:45:36



Also, the actual movement part of the hexgrid is in the articles too. They'll show you the algorithms for transforming Hexagonal (and Iso) X and Y to screen X and Y, so I'm sure that helps...

Posted on 2005-07-18 11:47:11


Oooh, nice stuff there.

Posted on 2005-07-18 11:55:36


Thanks for asking this, I was actually coming here to ask it myself :P

Posted on 2005-09-01 04:20:01

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