V3: 2D Struct Arrays hate me.
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The compiler spits an error at me when I do this:

struct Enemy
//MAXENEMYTYPES and MAXENEMYTINTS has been defined, by the way.

Either I'm doing something wrong, or 2D struct Arrays are out to get me. =/

Posted on 2005-02-20 12:34:54


you cant do 2D arrays with struct defined variables =/

Posted on 2005-02-20 12:36:08


-_- Oh.

Posted on 2005-02-20 13:13:09


Even though it may never happen, I think that's something that might be a good thing to add to a future version of Verge. And there's everyone's favorite harpin' subject, Floats. But I also think that being able to define arrays with lists like in C would be a great help. Like:

int Array[10];


int array[2][2];

it would probably be a big bother, but that's my two bits :P.

Posted on 2005-02-23 23:18:51

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