V3 Random Numbers Displaying 1-4 of 4 total.
Out of curiosity, how are random numbers handled in V3? And is there some way to reset the random number generator?
The question comes up because I'm porting the battle system from "The Guy Who Mugged Me" to V3, and as I was testing it, I noticed that I'm doing and taking the exact same amount of damge every single time. Even the pattern of hits and misses is exactly the same. This fascinated me, so I opened up PepperX and Timeless, and they seem to display the same non-random behavior. Shippu, however, seems to be different every time it's started.
Anyway, I was just curious if this weirdness was only present on my computer or if it was the case with V3 in general.
Posted on 2004-02-22 02:38:07
You are correct. The random function is indeed broken. We've run into this problem when working on Columns, Pulser, etc. zeromus is looking into this and it will be corrected before release.
Posted on 2004-02-22 02:58:41
I used to have this problem with one of the versions of v2.6 a while ago. I got around it by having it generate a random number every screen update while it was waiting for user input (like on the main title screen, for example). Since you have probably a hundred frames per second, this will effectively generate a random number of faux-random numbers. :-) Every time you load it up and go to make your menu selection, the number of frames that go by will be somewhat different from before, because you're just not that accurate as a human.
Posted on 2004-02-22 03:34:27
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. Having it generate a number every time the battle menu updates not only makes combat seem random, it gives the processor something amusing to do. Although I don't know what a processor would find amusing, I'm sure flipping a coin several hundred times is more fun than just drawing the screen.
Posted on 2004-02-22 04:36:37
Displaying 1-4 of 4 total.