V3 Splash Intros
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I've looked around but I can't find the function to run the packed intro properly. Also, out of curiousity, are there any other intros that could be used (besides forcing me to make a new one)?
Posted on 2004-05-01 01:26:28
you mean a title screen or what?
you should be able to make your own pretty easily...
something simple would be:
void autoexec(){
int splash=loadimage("splash.png");
while(!key[SCAN_ESC]) blit(0,0,splash,screen);
I hope I didnt just completely misunderstand you... =p
Posted on 2004-05-01 02:36:44
No, no, what I mean is that flashy VERGEł intro splash that a few games and demos have. It's all contained in a file named "zarilsplash.vpk", but I have no idea how to execute the intro files that are contained in it... Also, I don't know what code that I would use to run Zaril's V3 logo splash sequence.
Posted on 2004-05-01 02:43:34
ahh! well then you should rip this apart:
it should have everything you need to figure it out.
Posted on 2004-05-01 05:01:51
It's easy to use zaril's intro.
Just include the following:
#include "v3splash.vc"
Whenever you want to run it, do this:
Oh, and of course you have to mount the packfile in verge.cfg using something like:
mount1 zarilsplash.vpk
Hope that helps.
Posted on 2004-05-01 07:21:29 (last edited on 2004-05-01 07:23:02)