Verge 3 won't start
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When I attempt to start verge, it exits out fast.

My OS is Vista Ultimate SP2 32 bit

Posted on 2011-08-06 15:52:58


Any verge game or your own code? If the latter, would you kindly post it?

Posted on 2011-08-06 18:11:43


This is Arcadiadiv btw.

I just downloaded it so I wasn't able to program anything. There's no error message. Instead it gives me a message saying I have now successfully run v3. I tried running it through administrator and the same thing happened.

Posted on 2011-08-08 03:32:56


Hi ArcadiaDivine,

If you open up in a text editor like Notepad, Textpad or Programmer's Notepad, you will see that this message is by design. It's meant to be a placeholder script until you put in your own code. You need to eventually change this to put in your game's system code.

So congratulations! And indeed, there was some mention of looking at demos, reading the new user section, and the docs and so forth in that message. Please look into those, I think it will help you out a ton.

If you still have questions after reading through some of the documentation, I and others around the site can probably help you out.

Posted on 2011-08-08 04:16:34 (last edited on 2011-08-08 04:29:35)

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