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since no one else has asked yet... what do all the commands in verge.cfg do?

Posted on 2004-04-09 02:54:10


In the words of Aen's Fundamentals, Part 1:

mount <filename>
Example: mount mystuff.pak
-- The filename argument must be a V2 packfile, and this command will load that packfile. V2 is only able to access packfiles which are mounted via USER.CFG. You can mount up to three (3) packfiles.

vidmode <xres> <yres>
Example: vidmode 320 240
-- This will attempt to set the requested video mode. Invalid video modes will default to 320x200. The available modes are:
256x256 (Mode X)
320x200 (BIOS)
320x240 (ModeX)
360x240 (ModeX)
640x480 (VESA 1.2 Banked)

Caution should be taken care when setting 640x480. VESA 1.2 is assumed to exist on your machine, and you are not warned if this is untrue. If you are unsure if your card supports this mode, run the VESATEST.EXE utility supplied in this archive. If you find that your card does not support VESA, I recommend hopping on over to and nabbing the latest release of their Scitech Display Doctor. This nify application will automatically detect your graphics card so that your SuperVGA software will work properly.

Example: log
-- Enables logging to VERGE.LOG. I recommend keeping it on at all times during development.

startmap <filename>
Example: startmap
-- Designates the first map to be loaded when VERGE.EXE is run.

sound_device <type>
Example: sound_device 0
-- -- Specifies your sound hardware setup. The settings are as follows: 0 : Autodetect. Sound code will attempt to determine your sound hardware setup itself. 1 : Sound Blaster 2 : Gravis Ultrasound 3 : No sound. This disables all sound code. Most people will keep this set to zero (0).

mixrate <freq>
Example: mixrate 22050
-- Specifies the frequency at which the sound code will mix sound effects.

dmabufsize <size>
Example: dmabufsize ???
-- Specifies the DMA buffer size for the sound code.

Example: force8bit
-- Forces sound output to 8-bit quality.

Example: forcemono
-- Forces sound output to mono quality.

Example: end
-- Designates the end of USER.CFG commands.

My own additions...

automax <0/1>
Example : automax 1
-- Sets window to scale to the screen size. (automax is on by default)

windowmode <0/1%gt;
Example : windowmode 1
-- ???

appname <title>
Example : appname ShootBla
-- Sets the window title

example: arraycheck
-- Checks array offset bugs or something.

example: paranoid
-- Used for increased debugging

xres <width>
example: xres 320
-- Sets x resolution.

yres <width>
example: yres 200
-- Sets y resolution.

That's all I can list off.

Posted on 2004-04-09 03:56:23



also theres:


but I havent a clue what in the hell they do... help?

Posted on 2004-04-09 04:03:08


Hrm.. I think I know what 'eagle' does:

example: eagle
-- Turns on 2xSAI filter (currently disabled in v3)

I think unknown commands are just ignored, so 'v3isuberlikethetens' probably just did nothing.

I have no clue what 'releasemode' would be used for. Key board release methods?

Posted on 2004-04-09 04:08:15


For v3, the verge.cfg options are quite a bit different that DOS V2's user.cfg (which is what that guide is for).

The main v3 CFG options are:
xres [res]
yres [res] (note this is different than vid_mode or whatever)
nosound [0/1]
windowmode [0/1]
automax [0/1]
releasemode [0/1]
startmap [mapname]

releasemode defaults to 0, when it is set to 1, the engine does not compile VC at startup, rather it uses the existing SYSTEM.XVC and compiled vc code embedded in the map files. Hence, it's designed for the "release" version of V3 games, if you dont want to include your source code.

Unknown commands are ignored, and 'v3isuberlikethetens' did something in the original incarnation of v3, but doesnt do anything in the current version at this time. It enabled debugging keyboard commands that could override the map/vc engine.

Eagle has, for the time being, been disabled, as we're in the middle of revamping our video drivers to include a DX9 driver.

Posted on 2004-04-09 22:37:34 (last edited on 2004-04-09 22:38:44)

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