Verge Code
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Alright understand how it works now and i have been reading the read me txt. but i cant the verge code. I guess there has to be a code. The read me txt says its in the vc file, but when i open the vc file it says the same exact thing about succesfully downloading verge. Do you know file its in?

Posted on 2005-11-01 16:57:32


You have to create the VC code yourself.

Verge is a game engine with its own scripting language, VergeC, or VC, which is a little bit like the real programming language, C.

Rysen has an excellent tutorial to get you up and running, set up a bit of VC, and make a map, among other things.

Try checking here: Rysen's Verge3 Tutorial

Posted on 2005-11-01 17:31:45

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