Verge crashes on Playermove
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Any Playermove() over ~ 10 secs gives me the Windows Loading Circle(tm). If I click in the window, Verge crashes. If not, the game might or might not continue as normal. What am I doing wrong?

Posted on 2011-03-21 11:08:51


I was going to say that you're missing a ShowPage, but PlayerMove has its own rendering built in...

I'd like to help, maybe if you paste an example of some code that you think is failing. Also, I'm assuming you're using vc and not lua?

Posted on 2011-03-21 19:28:59


Yes indeed, vc it is.

while (c1!=7)

Buuut: showpage fixed it! No more crashing! Thank you for this... fix. Had to replace all simple playermoves with obnoxious loops though.

Posted on 2011-03-24 12:21:50


Hmm, a movement speed of 5 pixels per second is pretty slow, the default speed is 100. Maybe your speed is "too slow"? It's hard to say.

All I know is that under normal circumstances I haven't really had problems with PlayerMove. There is something weird going on. If you don't mind, can you email me your game files? overkill9999 AT gmail DOT com. I'll try and look into a fix for that.

Posted on 2011-03-24 19:52:14


... got my mail?

Posted on 2011-03-28 12:19:14


Yes, sorry for the delay. Anyway, I still have no idea what is causing this, so I shall investigate further when I have enough free time. That code will hopefully help narrow it down, but I'll have to see.

Posted on 2011-03-28 22:23:43


Problem with player speed too slow persists and also occures on framechange:

player = EntitySpawn(160, 86, "king.chr");
TextBox2("Hand back the King's robe, yer scum!");
TextBox("Take it! The material seemed kinda cheap, anyway.");

Never reaches the next line and crashes if I click into the window.
Workaround: temporarily set player speed to a normal value, then set back to the troublesome value. Hmm.

Posted on 2011-06-07 17:57:29 (last edited on 2011-06-07 18:06:37)

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